Significant, prolonged savings await your business

and it won’t ever cost you a dime


Our Power Purchase Agreement

Discover how Newy Solar Co's Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) can revolutionise your business's approach to energy consumption. With no capital investment required, our PPA model allows you to benefit from solar energy while we handle the installation, maintenance, and operation costs for a whole decade.

Why Choose a PPA with Newy Solar Co?

  • Zero Investment: Begin your solar journey without the burden of upfront costs. Our PPA model is designed to make solar accessible for all businesses, regardless of budget constraints.

  • Hassle-Free Solar Solution: From installation to maintenance, we manage everything. Enjoy the perks of solar power without the complexities of system ownership.

  • Long-Term Savings: Lock in lower energy rates from day one, ensuring predictable and reduced energy costs that benefit your bottom line for years to come.

  • Seamless Transition to Ownership: After ten years, the solar system becomes yours, promising even greater savings and energy independence in the long run.

How Our PPA Works:

  • Step 1: Consultation and Custom Solar Proposal: Our experts analyse your energy needs and propose a tailored solar solution that maximizes savings.

  • Step 2: Installation at No Upfront Cost: We install the solar system at your commercial premises without any initial investment from you.

  • Step 3: Enjoy Reduced Energy Bills: Benefit from lower electricity costs from the solar energy generated, paying a fixed, below-market rate for the power produced.

The Benefits of Solar Energy for Your Business:

  • Significant Energy Cost Reduction: Transition to solar power to significantly lower your operational expenses, leveraging sunlight to power your loads for free instead of paying premium rates to energy retailers.

  • Peak Demand Shaving for Additional Savings: Our solar solutions are designed to reduce your peak energy consumption, effectively lowering demand charges and resulting in considerable savings on your energy bills.

  • Enhanced Financial Performance: Beyond energy savings, our solar PPA enables businesses to invest more in core activities, improve their bottom line, and strengthen market competitiveness by reallocating resources saved from reduced energy expenses.

Why Now is the Best Time:

  • With energy costs on the rise and increasing incentives for renewable energy, there's never been a better moment to consider a PPA for your business. Let Newy Solar Co help you navigate this opportunity, ensuring your business is positioned for financial and environmental success.

Get Started with Your Solar PPA:

  • Schedule Your Free Consultation: Reach out to us to explore how a Power Purchase Agreement can benefit your business. Our team is ready to provide you with a comprehensive analysis and get you started on the path to solar savings.

Secure your Solar Commercial PPA Consultation

PPA’s only work with commercial properties.

To get started, we will need to check your legibility and conduct our commercial PPA solar consultation with you. Please note our capacity is limited for this service, so we recommend you reserve your spot now. Solar Consultations cost only time, for which you will make back in leaps and bounds.

Download Our PPA Market Offering

If you have a commercial premise you operate out of you are most likely legible for one of our PPA. To get started, download the document listed in the below link. We will contact you to assess your suitability.